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Coffea Cruda

Coffea Cruda

Sleep soundly with Coffea Cruda, traditionally used for difficulty falling asleep.* Made from the Coffea Arabica bean, this remedy is one of our plant based and certified vegan remedies.

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  • Vegan

  • Organic

  • Kosher

  • Lactose free

  • Gluten free

  • Convenient usage

Why you should buy

Coffea Cruda

At Ollois, we are committed to providing the highest quality homeopathic remedies. Our products are certified organic, lactose-free, gluten-free, and some are even vegan and kosher certified. We believe in offering remedies that are safe, effective, and suitable for everyone.

  • Nature’s Alchemy

    Derived from unroasted coffee beans, capturing their raw essence.

  • Holistic Approach

    Prepared to potentially offer a counteractive balance to the stimulating nature of caffeine.

  • Versatility

    While best known for addressing sleep disturbances*, it's also traditionally considered for sensitivity to pain* and heightened acuteness of senses*.

  • Convenience for Consumption

    Typically available in pellet form, ensuring easy intake without water.

  • Potential for Restful Sleep*

    Offers a natural avenue for those experiencing sleeplessness* or disrupted sleep* due to overactive thoughts*.

  • Mood Modulation*

    May assist in alleviating mood swings* associated with caffeine overconsumption.

  • Natural Composure

    Provides an option for those seeking to calm their heightened sensitivities.

  • Harmony with Holistic Values

    Complements lifestyles that prioritize natural wellness solutions.

Product details

  • Description
  • Ingredients
  • Dosages
  • How to use
  • Labels
  • Drug facts

Tired of tossing and turning throughout the night? Sleep soundly with Coffea Cruda, traditionally used for difficulty falling asleep.* Made from the Coffea Arabica bean, this remedy is one of our plant based and certified vegan remedies specially designed so you may enjoy many peaceful nights ahead.

Natural, organic, pharmaceutical grade, side-effect free homeopathic medicine for all lifestyles and dietary needs. Even as the world rushes by with its caffeinated strides, there's a space for introspection, a space where Coffea Cruda in its highly diluted form promises a gentle reprieve from the whirlwind of overstimulation.

Looking for some sleep relief? Then Ollois’ Coffea Cruda homeopathic solution might be just right for you.

Approx. 80 pellets

Organic verified by Alpes Contrôle 2021/A03M216K/1
Made in France

How to use

Dosage 30C: Dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue, 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.

Dosage 200CK: Dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue once a day until symptoms are relieved or as directed by a doctor.

#Lactose free
#Gluten free
#Convenient usage

Coffea Cruda: Uniting Tradition with Today

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the interest in holistic and homeopathic solutions, like Coffea Cruda, grows.

Scientific explorations into homeopathy are becoming more prevalent. While there are preliminary studies indicating the potential benefits of Coffea Cruda, especially for sleep-related disturbances*, a continuous dialogue between traditional understanding and modern research is essential.

However, one thing is for certain, Coffea Cruda in its homeopathic form is

  • Ideal for those looking to alleviate issues related to sleep*;
  • Ideal for someone who is looking for an all-natural method to relieve sleep ailments*;
  • Looking for a treatment that doesn’t contain any preservatives or colorants.

With a rekindled interest in holistic practices, Coffea Cruda stands as a bridge: it connects our ancestors' wisdom with modern-day needs, upholding the belief that nature, even in its most ironic twists, offers solutions that resonate across time.

DISCLAIMER: Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

Coffea Cruda

Coffea Cruda and Homeopathic Practice

Coffea Cruda stands as a quintessential example of nature's irony: the same ingredient known for its stimulating effects, when prepared homeopathically, is believed to soothe the restless mind*.

Traditionally recognized for its potential in addressing sleep disturbances and hyperactive thoughts, Coffea Cruda harmonizes with the ancient homeopathic principle of 'like cures like'.

The relationship between humanity and coffee beans traces back centuries. Yet, it's the unique perspective of homeopathy that gifts us Coffea Cruda. By harnessing the essence of unroasted coffee beans, this remedy encapsulates a profile distinct from its roasted counterpart.

The transformation of this stimulating bean into a homeopathic agent accentuates the art and science of homeopathic preparations. In its diluted form, Coffea Cruda endeavors to balance the heightened senses, potentially offering tranquility to restlessly soothe the mind, body, and spirit.


Which Homeopathic Remedies are Good for Sleep?

Olloïs offers several high-quality homeopathic remedies for sleep. Popular options include Coffea Cruda, made from the Coffea Arabica bean, and Ignatia Amara, known for helping with irritability and restlessness*. These remedies are included in the Sleep & Stress Kit, a comprehensive solution for sleep-related issues*.

Why Use Homeopathic Medicine for Sleep?

Homeopathic medicine for sleep is a natural option for those seeking relief from sleeplessness* without the side effects often associated with conventional treatments. Olloïs' homeopathic remedies are tailored for various lifestyles and diets, offering a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to improving sleep quality. Learn more about these natural sleep aids on the Homeopathy for Sleep page.

What Other Homeopathic Remedies Does Olloïs Offer Besides Treatments for Sleep?

Alongside Treatment for Sleep, Olloïs offers a wide range of homeopathic remedies for various conditions, including pain relief*, cold and flu*, digestive issues*, and more. Discover our full range of homeopathic solutions in our Homeopathic Remedies Collections.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a medical practice based upon the boday's ability to heal itself, and the principle that "like cures like" or the Law of Similars: that is, if a natural substance causes a symptom in a healthy person, a very small amount of the same substance may help relieve symptoms of the illness. Homeopathic medicines enhance the body's normal healing and self-regulatory process.

Is Homeopathy regulated?

The U.S. Congress passed a law in 1938 declaring that homeopathic remedies are to be regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the same manner as nonprescription, over the counter (OTC) drugs.

Is Homeopathy new?

The Law of Similars has been known since at least the time of Hippocrates (ca. 400 B.C.), but it was doctor and chemist Samuel Hahnemann who fully stated the ideas of homeopathy in the early 1800's in Germany. He discovered the truth of the Law of Similars by testing small doses of medicine on himself. Although there is wider acceptance of homeopathy in countries such as France, Germany, Mexico, Argentina, India and Great Britain, we have seen a greater interest in homeopathic medicine in the USA recently. In fact, the family doctor to England's Queen Elizabeth is a homeopathic physician.

Which base ingredient do you use for your pellets?

Our pellets are made from Organic Beet Sucrose exclusively grown in Europe. We then impregnate the pellets with the homeopathic dilution of the remedy.

Are Olloïs remedies HAS/FSA eligible?

Yes, Olloïs homeopathic remedies are eligible.