What is homeopathy?

Homeopathic practice.
Theorized and developped by Samuel Hahnemann late 17th century, Homeopathy is a medicine that focuses specifically on the patient as a whole: physically, psychologically and emotionnally. This is why it is defined as a holistic medicine, based on clear and intelligible principles.
It is especially based on the Law of Similars or "Like cures Like" (known since Hippocrates, 400 B.C). It has since made good progress, in particular thanks to advances in science, and is now developing worldwide.

What is homeopathy made of?
Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances: vegetal, mineral or animal. They are highly diluted, dynamized and impregnated on a neutral support (sucrose pellets for exemple).
Homeopathy can help with a very large number of pathologies. As soon as the first symptoms appear, which occur quickly in acute illnesses, it is very often effective to start with Homeopathy.
If its scientific basis is now demonstrated and better recognized by the scientific research (fundamental, pre-clinical, clinical) publicshed in recognized scientific report journals.

Benefits of homeopathy
- It can act fast in acute illnesses (colds, chills, fever, etc.)*, progressively and effectively in chronic illnesses (allergy, joint pain, etc.)*, the latter with the help of a Homeopathic Healthcare Professional.
- It acts in a gentle and lasting way by mobilizing the biological self-repairing capabilities of the individual (this is a very operating principle og Homeopathy)
- It has no know toxic effects on the body